There's nothing rubbish about Easter…..

Usually, we like to talk about what's rubbish and what's not and pass around a few tips on removing rubbish from your life, but it's Easter and it's hard to find something rubbish about chocolate. Instead, we thought we'd show you all the rubbish that companies bring out, just in time for holidays and special days.
Jesus Eggs….

Now, don't get us wrong, we're not bagging Jesus – we're just wondering how this particular product helps you to celebrate Christmas, Easter or any other of the religious holidays.
Santa on a Cross….

Someone in the cultural understanding and sensitivity department at this Japanese store might need to rethink their career. In December 2001, a well known Japanese department store, with good intentions, created a window dressing thatconfused western visitors. At the same time, Santa on a Cross Christmas gifts were available at various markets in Osaka and Tokyo.
Healthy Easter Treats

Ok, so not strictly rubbish but imagine being the kid who gets shafted by the Easter bunny with some delicious corn and carrot jelly eggs. Talk about a rubbish Easter Sunday that kid's having!
Remember when a card was the most important part of a gift? Remember when you agonized over selecting just the right card and thought about what heartfelt message to add? If it's the thought that counts, e-cards, (this particular cracker courtesy of whose tagline is "when you care enough to click send" shows how little thinking and counting is really going on.
Holiday Sales – Anything Must Go!

OK so we get that jewellery shops sell up big before Valentine's Day and that costume shops have a great Halloween, but if you're pushing white vinegar as an Easter gift, you're just taking the mickey. There's nothing like a holiday season to bring out the worst in retailers and we think it's rubbish that they set out to "cash in".

We're not really sure what's wrong with this picture; we're just sure it is wrong. And therefore rubbish. So stop it.

We've all felt it, the idea that various Easter eggs seemed bigger last year. Is it the delightful memory of smooth flowing minty/creamy/caramelly goodness tricking our minds or is it the most rubbish thing you can do to a person – steal some of their chocolate?! Easter eggs are already outrageously priced and each year those prices seem to skyrocket and on top of that, they're getting smaller! It's not just one either. Those little caramel ones, the mint chip ones – all shrinking year by year while prices rise! It's not right to mess with a man's chocolate! So we at Brizzy feel that shrinking chocolate eggs are the most rubbish thing about Easter!
Whether Easter is about your faith or about your sweet tooth, we hope you enjoy your family, friends and time together. If you're using the long weekend to do a clean up or even to create a mess, Brizzy Rubbish Removals will be back in the office bright and early Tuesday. From all at Brizzy…